Monday, August 4, 2008

Polling Is Now Closed

Well, by the looks of things earlier this week, I was ready to have to scold you all for being so rude to the people taking your order...looks like I only have to scold a little less than half of you, so here it is: Shame on you for being so rude to the people taking your order at the local fast-food joint! Do you think those poor kids are paid enough to have to deal with the kind of attitude from customers? Let me tell you something misters, they aren't! I guarantee you they are making just about minimum wage, and having people yell at them for asking a question they have been trained (and may be forced) to ask, is not cool!

Having said that, it looks as if most of you prefer not to have the fries. Odd, I LOVE fries! Next time, just order them, and I'll eat them for you. Thanks to everyone who participated in the last poll, you may be expecting your "Have You Been Cranky Lately?" boondoggle with my face on it very soon! Congratulations, and don't forget to vote in my next poll.


lizS said...

i love your poll results posts! however, i do have a complaint, in that i have not recieved ANY "have you been cranky latey" merchandise. i'm starting to believe you are fibbing.

lizS said...
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timpani76 said...

You know, in the poll, you did not specify whether the last option was what people were "thinking" or actually "saying" to fast food workers.

I only yell when they can't hear me (which is every time). I must not have the correct pitch of voice to penetrate the fast food speaker background noise.

Mary said...

Well, I don't know what to tell you about the items not showing up at your house. They must have gotten lost in the mail. You should really take it up with your local post office. Of course, that does make me a little angry, since I'm shelling out some serious dough to buy these high quality and attractive items as prizes for the thoughtful people who remember to vote in our important polls. I'll need to have words with the post office myself! "Neither, rain, nor snow nor sleet..." my eye!

That's true Timpani. If you would only be thinking it, then my remonstration is not for you. It must be annoying to have to keep repeating yourself. I do not have that problem with my insanely far carrying voice. (I'm always told to keep it down!)

lizS said...

mary makes me laugh!!

Dana Cheryl said...

French fries are awesome! I'll fight ya for 'em Mary. :)

I won't be voting in the next poll as I don't have kids. But if you're talking about badly behaving people in general... I say we put 'em in the basement!

Mary said...

DC- I take it you're the one "yes" from the last poll? And I guess it makes sense that you not vote in the next poll, but your ideas on poorly behaved people in general are duly noted, and I agree. :)

I'll make sure next week's prize is less desirable this time around so you're not sad to miss out on it. Maybe I'll put Jeremy's face on it this time. :)

Dana Cheryl said...

Yes! It was me that voted for fries. Gosh we have a great group of friends. If ever we all go out to eat together we could take their fries and they wouldn't even care.

Did you know that 1 in 5 people have genital herpes? (Or so says the commerical on TV right now...) Ya know I don't really believe that. How is that even possible? Is the world that bad?

OK enough randomness...

Jeremy's picture! lol

Mary said...
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Mary said...

I just censored myself. Hmm.