Thursday, August 7, 2008

Today Is The First Day of School!

...And not a morning I'd like to repeat. It started off ok, he got up, ate his breakfast, dressed and had his face scrubbed in time to get to school a little early so I could walk him to class. Everything seemed to be going alright, until I took a minute to speak to his teacher. Daniel had forgotten to go o the bathroom before school started, so we asked if he could go. I dropped him off at the bathroom and told him to have a great day and I'd see him when I came to pick him up. I was down the hall talking with my sister-in-law who was dropping her kids off at class, when the hall monitor brought Daniel, bawling his eyes out, to me. So I took it that he hadn't realized I was leaving, and just got a little freaked out. I took him to class and tried to leave him here, but it was ugly. I tried shame: "No one else's mommy is here in class with them, do you want to look like a baby to your new classmates?" I tried encouragement: "Hey, you need to hurry up and get back to class so you can meet new friends! I'm so excited for you!" Nothing worked. They started the pledges over the loud-speaker, and I tried to walk off, but that started the screaming! Well, I didn't want him screaming during the pledges, so I stayed. Then they had a moment of silence, which I really didn't want him screaming through! Finally I caught the teacher's eye and whispered, "What do you want me to do?" She said, "Just leave!" So I did. *sigh* Poor kid. I hate to leave the teacher with that kind of an impression: that he's a clingy momma's boy (okay, he kind of is) with an indulgent mother (maybe, but I'd hate to admit it). Oh well, tomorrow should be better since he's getting a ride with my sister-in-law to school, and I won't even be there to drop him off. I think he'll be better without his momma hanging around threatening to leave.


Anonymous said...

yeah, i took jonni for her kindergarten aptitude test yesterday, and she had a screaming fit when i left the room. they had to come get me because she wouldn't stop, and then, 15 minutes later after i got her calmed down in the hall, (NOT easy), i had to stay in the room with her. she was fine after that, and she went to do the physical stuff with no problems, and i took the opportunity to duck out, and she was perfectly okay for the rest of the test, which took an hour. that girl! i can see that kindergarten is going to be ugly. and she did so well with preschool! false hopes that she'd do just as well in kindergarten. must be the move. good luck tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

oh, and the test result? yeah, she's in the top tier for everything. 95-97%. that's my girl. smart and stubborn. with a temper. *sigh*

Mary said...

Wee-ha! I'm chalking up Daniel's meltdown to the move too. I told my father-in-law about it, and he told me that out of all the grandkids, Daniel was the one he was least concerned about having problems with, since he's usually so easy-going, but man, not today! Wish I had some advice about Jonni, but I don't know what I'd do with a kid like her! (Not meant in an unkind way, but I think you know what I mean.)

lizS said...

i totally know what you mean. i am reading my umpteenth how-to-deal-with-your-difficult-child book. i like this one the best so far. it's none of that namby-pamby let's just love the kid and let them get away with murder crap. anyway, fun stuff. not.

Anonymous said...

Cut the kid some slack. He is in a new school, with a new teacher and new kids, in a new town, and a new state, and probably didn't really understand the schedule yet. He'll catch on in a day or two, realize you won't leave him there by himself for the rest of his life, and actually start to enjoy it!

Better luck next week...

timpani76 said...

Oh man, Vance was one of two kids who had a serious meltdown when I tried to leave him at preschool. He went to afternoon preschool so he came during the lunch hour for the first day, and the cafeteria was super noisy and he just got more and more FREAKED.

They told me to just leave too, but I waited until he stopped screaming and crying before I left the building. I was sure glad I got a babysitter for Quisqueya that day.

Can I borrow that difficult child book Liz?

lizS said...

i got this one from the library, so not this time. it's "the new strong willed child" by dr. james dobson. he definitly has jonni absolutey pegged. i'm only halfway through, so i'm not sure what to actually DO with her yet, but i'm confindent that he understands her as no other author has yet. and he's definitly not a hugs and kisses and silk kinda guy. however, he doesn't downplay the love part either, which i also like. anyway, i'll letcha know what i think when i've finished the book. i'm just finishing the understanding your child part, now i'm getting into the what to do with your child part. i'm actually excited, and that's a first for these kinds of books.

Mary said...

Dr. Dobson is a good guy. My dad used to work for him. I think that the books he writes really are down-to-earth and realistic. Glad you got it. Sarah- I know all that stuff, and when I picked him up today he was smiling and told me he had a good day. So he'll be fine. Tomorrow I'm just going to have Stacey drop him off, then there can be no clinging. Timpani- How's Vance doing when you drop him off now?

Dana Cheryl said...

God bless ya Mary... Hang in there!

I heard Dr. Dobson lecture after the first "Strong Willed Child" Book came out. Also I read a good deal of it. It was back in my days of working the Baptist Church. Even though I didn't have kids they wanted me to have a few good books to recommend on everything from parenting to marital relationships to single life being that I was on staff.

I really liked the book except for the part where it talks about children being born sinful. Being strong-willed isn't sin. It's what's gonna get these kids through this getting-harder-everyday life without losing their focus on God or their morals.

But like all things it was easy to ignore such silly ideas when 99% of the book was outstanding! He has that book specifically for raising boys too. Very, very good!

timpani76 said...

Vance has not started school yet this year (not til the 28th). Last year, it took about a week before he stopped looking like a trapped animal that was about to bolt.

I know part of it was that he had just never experienced any kind of school type environment up to that point. I'm hoping this year he will get into it like he did after a little while last year.

Mary said...

Timpani, - Me too, for both your sakes! :) Daniel didn't care when I left him last year, he was too excited. I gave him a hug and a kiss and told him "bye" and he was already 1/2 way across the classroom having a great time! Silly kids.

Renae said...

Dang, my kids have all done pretty good on their first days (so far). I was the one crying as I drove home. Lydia freaked out about getting on the bus to ride home, the first day. I can't belive summer is about over already.

Mary said...

Did your kids start school this week too? I thought it started way early here!