Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blabbity Blabbity Blubb

I don't have anything to write about. I should be asleep, but I'm a little freaked out tonight for some reason. Jeremy's not here, but that's normal.  Some nights I just wish he were, that's all.


Eyepoke said...

You are not alone. The Boogey man is always watching over you. Now go to sleep and dream about bridges that come alive and try to get you while you are half way across.

Mary said...

Aww, thank you so much for your comforting words.

lizS said...

that bridges thing was for me. thanks alot john. you're such a sweethart.

Mary said...

Ah. Do you have a fear of bridges or did you have a dream like that or both?

lizS said...

um, yes on the first one, and i do have bad dreams about bridges, but i haven't ever had one about a bridge coming alive. that actually doesn't scare me that much, because it's not realistic. a bridge being out without you knowing it until you plunge to your that i can see. ;)

Eyepoke said...

It could be a drawbridge, that mistakening shifts with you on it. Or a giant robot POSINg as a bridge.

timpani76 said...

I used to have recurring dreams about stairs without rails. Not so much anymore though. Bridges are probably in a similar category (though not spiders I'm sure they get their own category)

Mary said...

Spiders definitely get heir own category as the scariest creature alive!

Mary said...

Oh yeah, and I have a fear that I will drive off a bridge into deep water and not be able to get my kids out of their car seats and out of the car fast enough, or be able to hold on to them while I swim to the surface. It's not as bad now that they use the regular seat belts, but I still worry about being able to hold on to them.