Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Don't I Have One Of These Yet?!

It's so irreverent and racist, I can't believe I don't own one yet! It is the Chia Obama!! You can get yours here, and as soon as I can scrounge $20, I'll be getting my own! Best kitsch item ever!!

Update! ACK!!! I just remembered Mother's Day is coming up! I was trying to figure out how I was going to convince Jeremy to get it for me, and I NEVER know what to ask for for birthdays and holidays, but this year, I KNOW. I want a Chia Obama! The determined style, please. Happy Obama gives me the willies.


lizS said...

lol! you're so funny. but you know, i don't think i want anything obama in my house. i just don't like him, lol! he gives me the willies no matter what expression is on his face! ;)

timpani76 said...

I think it would only be racist if you tried to grow weed out of his head ;)

Unknown said...

I'm really worried that Obama might somehow accidentally make some real progress and that everyone will re-elect him then his wife, then his brother, then his other brother, then his brothers cousin, ETC!

Mary said...

We can only hope.

You know, the funny thing is, that this post has nothing to do at all with how I feel about Obama politically, but you still have to get all defensive about it.

Mary said...

*sigh* Maybe that was a bit snarky, but seriously. Everything does not have to argued all the time Rob, it gets tiresome.