Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prayers Please

Hey, I should have posted about this earlier, but I just spoke to my mom a few minutes ago, and got an update. The night before last night a boy that I grew up with (he was my dad's co-host's step-son) was in a terrible motorcycle accident and they didn't know if he would live through the night. I sent the prayer chain around my church for him, but didn't know much more than that he might die or lose his arm. This is the middle of day two for him, and the doctors have told him that he may not live through the first 3 days, and they are doing surgery right now to remove his left arm. They couldn't save it, it was too damaged and was starting to poison him. He is getting constant blood transfusions. He is still in ICU, and probably will be for a little while longer. He has two children. Please just pray that he will come safely through this ordeal, that the blood he is receiving is safe, that he will adjust well to the loss of his arm.


Renae said...

How sad! I certainly will pray for him!

Mary said...

Thank you Renae. Last I heard he was still fighting. They took his arm at the shoulder, though, and they may still have to take more.