Friday, January 16, 2009

Personally, I Blame Global Warming And Slavery

Yep, I am finally getting to enjoy a winter in the deep south for the first time in 14 years. Boy was I looking forward to it! Yeah. When I got up this morning, it was something ridiculous like 13 degrees outside. People in GA don't know what to do when the weather gets like this. They've never experienced anything like it. (Or they rarely have.) They had to tell people over the radio to get their cars winterized and leave the faucets trickling. I bet if I went to the store this morning there would be no bread, milk or eggs left on the shelves. ;) Of course, this insanely cold weather across the country has been caused by global warming. (Has anyone seen the great propaganda film "The Day After Tomorrow"?)

Then, I was listening to the news this morning, and the NAACP has called, once again, for the governor of the state of Georgia to apologize for slavery. The President (bless his pointed little head) has said that he's sure the governor will "do the right thing." Now, I am a newcomer to the state of Georgia, but I am pretty sure that not one person living here today has either been a slave, or has owned a slave. Like I said, maybe this is just ignorance on my part, since I'm new here. There may be an underground slavery ring still in operation here in which evil white people are still forcing innocent black people to work their plantations. They probably have to work in the middle of the night when everyone else is in bed, so as not to rouse suspicion. Maybe the reason they are asking Gov. Purdue to apologize is because they know that he is the leader of this secret slavery ring, and they want him to know that they know, and they want him to apologize for forcing innocent people to work for him at the capital building. Yeah ... if there is an "African-American" living in bondage in the USA today, it is certainly not because of the evil white slave-drivers. Apologize for slavery...


lizS said...

that's just awesome. and WHITE people are supposed to be the racists...

Bruce said...

well in all fareness, at one time white people did have to take some of the blame for that slavery thing. i had people in my fam that owned slaves. and i guess you all know how rich we are now because of the residual affects. the trust funds. oh wate, i forgot, im broke. slavery was dumb. but it was gennerations ago. i had nothing to do with it and will not apologise for some thing some one else did. do you think blacks will ever apologise for rap.

Mary said...

LOL! Apologize for rap! Yeah, I think that GA is one of the last hold-outs that refuses to apologize for slavery. I hope it continues to, but I'm sure eventually we'll get some butt-head as gov. that will do it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary-O, you know what my position is...

I have another blog if you are interested in classic movies.

join in and give me a hard time if you want to.

Enjoy GA... today I woke up to a temp of 0 zero, zip, nada. colder than a mother-in-laws kiss!!


Bill Crank said...

And the civil war is still going on also just in case you didn't know that Mary. Welcome to the land of cotton. The good thing about the winter however is that it does not last nearly as long. Our average temp is around 55 for this time of year.

lizS said...

the civil war is still going? dang, i missed that memo completely. well, hand me an uzi and let's take out some slave owners!! oh, wait...

Eyepoke said...

Lets demand that the Jews apologize for Joshua wiping out the Caananites. And I think we need to demand that the asteroid belt apologizing for wiping out the dinosaurs. And the Sioux need to apologize for thier offenses against the Kiowa.

Eyepoke said...

What we really need is a governor to apologize for the previous governor's imbecilic apology.

Mary said...

I love you John! You are great. So far no imbicillic govs in the state of GA have apologized, which is why the NAACP is telling them to. I know that some states have tho.

I know the cold won't last. I just like how everyone is becoming more and more convinced of global warming when the vast majority of the evidence suggests that even if there is a tiny bit of warming, it's not our fault.

Eyepoke said...

The weather man can't tell rain from sun a day and a half out. Global warming is a FAD. When I was a kid we were headed for the next Ice Age. Al Gore is a what by trade? Scientist? No wait- politicain!! Oh yeah. and VP to the president impreached for what? Lieing, wasn't it? hmmmmm. duuuurh people. use the noodle.

Everyone should read Michael chriton's essay on politicized science:

(wow mc 2 declarations of love in as many days... i'm all shivery and gooey!! I could get used to this!)

Unknown said...

I want the Moore's to appologise for conquering the Sicilians...lister

Mary said...

I know, John. Liz might have to come down here and beat me up. If only you weren't so witty and handsome and clever. Good point about Gore's profession.

Rob, you can't let the whole Moorish conquest go? Not that I can really blame you. Anyone with roots of oppression in their background should really get up and apologize for all the terrible things that they never did, but that maybe their ancestors possibly may or may not have done somewhere in the past 6000 years. And anyone whose ancestors have been oppressed, whether or not they themselves have been oppressed, should have restitution paid to them by the descendants of their oppressors. It's only fair after all. In fact, we should all keep detailed notebooks filled with any and all slights, real or perceived, then hand them down for 150 years, at which point, our great-great-great-great grandchildren can dust them off and make the great-great-great-great grandchildren of everyone in the notebook apologize for their boorish ancestors.

Bruce said...

what is realy dumb is that the very people who clame to be getting oppressed continue to support the political party that is curently causeing the propituation of their problems. you dont need me to give you something. you need to get an education and work hard like the rest of us. i dont like most of the things BO stands for. but if the black comunity wants to use him as a roll model, i think its great. he got an education and got a job. he got married and raises his childeren. he tries to change the world according to his beliefs.(i dont like his beliefs and expect to fight agenst the changes he plans to make) so by all means, follow that example. dont continue to ask or expect me to give you a life of luxury for free. slavery was dumb. get over it. and for sure dont blame me for it,or ask me to oplogise, i had nothing to do with it. stop thinking about the things you cant chang(ie. the past) and start working on making the future beter.

Bruce said...

i still want an opology for Rap!