Monday, March 9, 2009

A Decision

I have decided that I really like my neighborhood. Now that the weather has gotten really nice, everyone hangs out outside and watches their kids play and chat each other up, and it's really nice. I like it.


Anonymous said...

That's good to hear. I like my neighborhood too... only the weather hasn't turned nice quite yet. After all, this IS Missouri! Affton is a great place. A lot of Bosnians think so too......

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased for you! Know that it had been a concern. Are the kids meeting others to play with? Does Daniel have a buddy from the neighborhood that he chums whith at school? Have you considered starting a Mom's support group? Maybe trading child care for a couple of hours a week so you can get away? You might not be comfortable with the idea right away but keep the thought tucked away for future use!!
Love Ya!
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

We love you! Your Aunties

Mary said...

Yeah, so today we needed to leave and get my in-law's car so I could taken Daniel to school in the AM. Daniel didn't want to leave and asked why we couldn't have someone drop it off. I told him that it wasn't very nice when someone is doing you a favor to ask them to do more than is necessary, to which he replied, right in front of a black kid that Jeremy had just been playing basketball with, "I wish we had a slave." AAAACK!! He got LOTS of trouble for that one.

Renae said...

HA HA HA!!!!