Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hey guess what?! I got a job! I think it's gonna be good. I think that I'll like it. I think that I'll be able to move up the ranks quickly. Because I'm THAT awesome. You know I am, too. :)


Eyepoke said...

Blood, blood blood blood

timpani76 said...

You can do it! (in case you missed it, John was quoting HHGTTG, because he's him)

Mary said...

Thanks, guys! I missed the quote, but I hope to earn geek points for having at least read that book.

Eyepoke said...

nice catch timp.... that phrase IS in the guide, but actually, at the time I wasn't quoting the guide. (the context wouldn't make any sense, anyway. Mary is not a computer, and why would I want o intimidate her?) It was just what came to mind.