Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Daniel asked me if we can do some pictures of him, since I've been doing a lot of Launa, but not much of him and "...it's not fair!" So I agreed that I would put some photos of him up. These are his choices:

I love that rotten kid.


lizS said...

why are your children always naked? don't you own any clothes? do i need to send you some?

lizS said...

and where are the naked pics of you and jeremy? THOSE are the ones I want to see. ;)

timpani76 said...

Aren't kids the cutest? I mean mine, of course ;)

Dana Cheryl said...

I love that he picked his own pix. He's quite the ar-teest! :)

Mary said...

My in-laws have been asking me the same question. Yesterday Daniel had to put clothes on for some reason, I can't remember, but whenever he was done with that activity, he ran inside and his clothes were nowhere to be seen! They think it's the funniest thing! (They probably also wonder why I don't MAKE him keep them on, oh well.) Send all the clothes you want, they will never ever be worn! ;) At least for more than 5 minutes!

The naked pics of Jeremy and I are not as attractive as you might think, since we ourselves are ridiculously good-looking people, but anyway, those are in a special box marked "Children, if we die and you are going through our stuff, BELIEVE US you want to throw this box away without looking inside!"

Mary said...

Timpani, I certainly have the best looking 3-eyed kid ever. DC, he is! :)