Monday, May 9, 2011

Sorry. :(

I lied about posting something every day. I didn't have time to post anything today, and I still have to finish some homework tonight, so there will be no update today. But tomorrow should work out for blogging. I'm a jerk. Manana, my friends.


Dana Cheryl said...

It's okay. I forgive you and... I feel the same way just a bit. My work schedule has me getting up at 4:30 a.m. and I'm behind on everything.

I think of ya often. Miss ya tons. Love you lots!!!

Mary said...

Shucks! Your forgiveness means a lot to me. ;) Hope you get caught-up soon.

Dana Cheryl said...

Well, it should. I don't bestow it freely. It's an honor to be on my short list. There are folks who've been waiting years... ;)

Mary said...

>:) I'll bet they deserve it.