Sunday, June 29, 2008


Welcome to the inaugural post of "Have You Been Cranky Lately" the blog. I know this long anticipated blog will be met with much fanfare, applause and media coverage, but please, let's try not to crash the website. It would be a nightmare for everyone involved. Anyway, I have much to do so I don't have a lot of time to spend blogging right now, but come back soon to see all the excitement and thrills that compose my life, and enjoy the view.



lizS said...

first commment! first comment! woohoo! mary has caved to the inevitable! she has joined the pack! three cheers! hooray! hooray! hooray!

Mary said...

What can Isay? I've always been a follower.

Anonymous said...

This is the very BEST blog I've Ever seen!!!!

Of course this is the only blog I've ever seen...

However, I'm sure if I were a blog expert this would still be my very favorite blog in the whole world, I mean, who wouldn't look at those Cranky faces and fall in love with every one of them?

Love, Mom

Dana Cheryl said...

Hey I'm Liz's friend and just wanna welcome you to the blogosphere. Thanks for joining us in the madness... :)

lizS said...

hey! mommy gross is here! come visit mine too!

Mary said...

Dana- How sweet! Thanks for the welcome. Your blog is really cute and silly too.

Liz- My mom followed the link on my blog to yours. :) I think she thinks John is a little weird now, though. :P

lizS said...

hey, if she followed the link, why didn't she comment? did she go to my blog or john's?

lizS said...

and john IS a little wierd. it's part of his charm. :)

Mary said...

She went to both! I just told her to go back and post a comment. She said she'd try, but she's not sure she can remember how! (Maybe that's why she didn't post one when she was on last night!)

Anonymous said...

Let's try this again...

Brilliance does run in the genes. So does that make it GENERIC? or GENETIC?

After all you and I share at least 2 of these traites...

Mary said...

Ooh-some brave soul (presumably in my family) had the guts to tease me anonymously! ;P I'm guessing it was my mom. Hi Mom! Or was it Sarah? Hi Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Well, You'll just have to wonder for a while longer....

I will say that we actually possess at least one other fine quality or likeness....

Mary said...

Is it my exceptional beauty?