Monday, June 30, 2008

2 Posts in 1 Day?! She must be crazy!

Well, maybe I am. I was going to save this for a day when I didn't have anything to write about (which, I imagine, will be frequently enough), but I feel like I need to point something out and then explain it. Maybe you've noticed that all of the pictures on my blog so far have been taken on my computer. That's because I still haven't made it into the digital photo era. Mostly because I don't trust the technology. (I know! How old am I?!) I don't want all of my pictures to be all pixelized, and I don't want to print them off on my computer, because, let's be honest, the technology is relatively new, and we really don't know how long the photos will last. "They" (whoever "they" are) say that the photos will last 100 years. Yeah? How do you know that they will last that long? Was there someone 100 years ago hiding in bushes taking pictures with their secret digital camera to test this theory out? I don't think so. I know that all cameras will be digital in 5 years, but I am not giving up my 35 mm film without a fight. It does make getting really cute candid pictures on my blog a little harder, though. I may buy a cheap $20.00 digital camera to get that job done, but my important pictures will be taken on film thank you very much.


lizS said...

buy a scanner, and nobody will care that they are 35mm pics. well, but then you'd have to actually develope them too, which is problematical i know. and hey, by the way, i think you're funny. :)
ps $20 digital cameras SUCK. i should know. don't waste your money.

Mary said...

Scanner, digital camera...they both cost money. Hey, vote on my pic.

Eyepoke said...

I loved on your stupid pic but the net would not acknowldgedege me. I think its a cool pic. I didn't notice anything risque about it until you said so.

lizS said...

i voted on the pic too, but i dunno if it took my vote. i think you should leave it up. i don't see anything risque about it at all, even after you mentioned it. i just think it's cool.

Mary said...

Alright, the poll problem is with, so I just took the poll down. The general consensus seems to be,"What are you talking about?! The picture is cool!" Who knew?

timpani76 said...

oooh, someone who waited even longer to go digital than me. I really thought I was the LAST one (besides really old people, like my mom).

Speaking of age, I am one year away from being the age my mom was when she her LAST child (at 33 yrs old). I have no fear of having kids until I am 40, though (like some squeamy weamy girls I have talked to).

Mary said...

I know it's weird, and I'm not usually a technophobe, but I really HATE digital cameras for some reason. And I'm only 26.

Mary said...

Oh yeah, you have a blog right, Timpani? Is it by invite only,and if so may I PLEASE be invited?

timpani76 said...

I have no blog Mary, sorry :)

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

Aww, shucks. Well, if you ever get a blog, I'm totally there. I think a blog by you would be a fun read.

Anonymous said...

Get a digital camera. A NICE one. You'll love it. It's way better than taking grainy digital pics on your phone, and you can have it with you everywhere, and even if you never develop them, you can still show them off. can send your digital pics to Walgreens and have them printed on Kodak paper, which will last just as long as anything else you have developed. **Problem solved!**

Dana Cheryl said...

Oh the good ol' days of 35mm... Back then a camera would last for years. Now I'm lucky if I keep one for six months! I'm on my third digital camera since 2005. Of course we all know I'm clumsy but I've always been that way. My trusty 35mm could truly take a licking and keep on ticking. Not true anymore. If ya'll spot an indestructible digital let me know!

Mary said...

Dana, You must be my only true friend - telling me the honest truth about the cameras from the "Sad-Place." Everyone else says "Just get a really good digital camera and you'll be happy." I know better.

No, the truth is, they're trying to make my inevitable transfer less traumatic.

Unknown said...

Maybe you need a REAL digital camera...

I used a Canon but it stopped working at about 2000 shots. I got my $200.00 out of it I guess. Now I use a Nikon D80 and I use all the lenses I have collected over the years for my Nikon film cameras. The only thing worse than NO digital camera is a cheap-o digital camera.