Thursday, September 3, 2009

Proud of My Son

Yesterday, Launa was sick. :( She fell asleep before dinner, so just Jeremy, Daniel and I were at the table eating supper. We were just talking, and I can't remember why, but Jeremy said something like, "That Launa ruins everything." (Just joking.) Daniel got real indignant and said, "No she doesn't! Launa doesn't ruin everything! She's a great sister, and I love her!" Ah - that's nice to hear! Good to know he's watching out for her.


lizS said...

that's awesome. what a cool kid. ;) btw, john and erik have joined me in swine flu land. it's not a happy place to be. :(

Mary said...

Awww...sorry you're sick. I thought you were better. :(

timpani76 said...

Did you tell him what a great big brother he was?

I love it when Vance gets all "big brother" about Quisqueya. So cute!

Mary said...

Yes! I definitely want to encourage that kind of behavior! :)

Renae said...

Yeah, your son is an insult to the name of brothers everywhere. ;)

Mary said...

LOL! Nah - he hates on her sometimes, he just gets mad if others do.