Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Favorite Cake

Jeremy's aunt called me on Thursday to ask me to make a cake for her husband's 40th birthday.  She told me that I could do whatever I wanted as long as it was all "Over-The-Hill"ed out!  So this is what I came up with.  I am proud to say that it is of my own design, and that the "rocks" the edge the cake are chocolate rocks I found in the candy dept. at Walmart.  I LOVE this cake!

Oh yeah, I forgot to add nostrils to the skull at first, so I added them after I took these pics.  I took another picture with the nostrils, but I haven't uploaded the pic to my computer yet.  So you'll have to use your imagination. ;)


timpani76 said...

Who's Lance? Your youth dies at 40? Really? I would think mine would last until at least 50, maybe 60 ;)

Mary said...

Jeremy's uncle! And it doesn't really, of course, but you know all the obligatory old man jokes you have to make when someone turns 40... That's not the point though. The point is that this cake was really fun to make, and I am a creative genius...really! Sheesh!

Dana Cheryl said...

Wow! MC this rocks!! I'm never turning 40 but if I were going to I'd want you to make the cake!! :)

Mary said...

Shucks! I'll make you a 29th birthday 11th anniversary cake instead.

Renae said...


Dana Cheryl said...

ha ha ha!!! That'll work. Someday..........