Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fun Times

Here's a photo of my kids with the cake they decorated. See how proud they are! I, on the other hand, was so embarrassed by the way mine turned out, that I have decided not to include any photos of it.


lizS said...

aw, that's such a cute picture! it's so sweet, i think i might go into a diabetic coma.

Mary said...

If you click on the photo, it enlarges and Launa looks totally drunk! Mid-blink. Always happens!

timpani76 said...

Half of my husband's pics come out with the half blink "drunk" look. What the heck?

Mary said...

Maybe your husband is a little sensitive to the flash, and since he knows it's coming, he can't help bracing for it?

Renae said...

It's nice to know that there are others out there besides me who can't decorate a cake worth a darn.

Mary said...

LOL! Yeah, it tasted great! It was just ugly.

Dana Cheryl said...

Who cares what it looks like so long as it tastes great! I mean wedding cakes are beautiful but usually they taste awful. Fondant is just plain gross. Ew!! :)

Ah the kids look so happy & proud. What a great rainy day activity. I'll file that away for when I have kids. lol.

I'm flash sensitive & I don't take good pix that utilize a flash. That's OK though cause the best pix use natural light anyway. :)

Mary said...

I guess that means you're going with regular cake frosting for your wedding cake? My mom made mine and it was goo-oo-ood! (She used the whipped frosting. Good stuff!)

I feel a little guilty because we ended up having to throw away most of the kids' cake, because we ate the big cake (I just let them decorate the ends I cut off of the big cake when I was evening it out a little), and by the time we got to the little one, it had gone stale. The kids each got a piece when it was fresh, but you know you can't let kids eat all the cake they want, so it didn't end up getting all eaten. Next time we do that, we'll have to make a point of eating their cake first. They're good kids. I felt really bad about throwing their cake out.

Dana Cheryl said...

They'll live MC. They got a piece and you're right you can't let kids eat all the cake they want.:) Do you watch Jon & Kate Plus 8? They have a policy of never eating anything the kids make. lol.

Yeah I'm probably gonna skip the fondant unless the cake is frosted underneath which is becoming more popular.

Of course if I had my pick I'd just elope! :) If not then I'll have to have two weddings. One for the LDS folks & one for the Protestant folks. That's a whole lotta wedding! lol.

Mary said...

Oh yeah, most of your family is Baptist! I don't blame you for wanting to elope.

That's a pretty good policy! We may have to adopt that one! Also, they did sneak their little fingers under the glass and snitch little fingersfull here and there! You should have seen the thing by the time I had to toss it! :)